Long time ago had past until I didn't raise mine pencil's work, then I have decided to hang a few sketches. Certainly they are not the wafer of good, it is more, I believe that are quite bad, but thus I raise something different from the previous entrances.
As it seems that they please the lines and the dirt of the sketches, then I have not cleaned nor anything to them… Simply I have burned them a little and I have put them a color background…
Como hacía tiempo que no subía ningun lápiz mío, pues he decidido colgar unos cuantos bocetos. Ciertamente no son la hostia de buenos, es más, creo que son bastante malos, pero en fin, así subo algo diferente a las anteriores entradas.
Como parece que gustan las rallitas y la suciedad de los bocetos, pues no los he limpiado ni nada... Simplemente los he quemado un poco y les he puesto un fondo de color...